5 thoughts on “1. Pirandello Redux

  1. I think this is just awesome. And reminds me a lot of this genre of no-text children’s books in which the characters do similar things: travel in and out of the pages of books, get telescopic views of time and history, children then and now. Barbara Lehman’s The Red Book, Trainstop, Rainstorm and David Weisner’s Flotsam, Tuesday — all are in this broad mould. There are others, like humorous spoofs on the fairy tales that also come to mind: Allan Ahlberg’s The Bravest Ever Bear, for example, or The Three Pigs (also by Weisner). But there’s a silence to your strip, with almost just that soundtrack, which makes me think of the no-text genre rather more than comical subversions.

  2. Thx Deepa 🙂 To give credit where it’s due, I was first introduced to the idea in Luigi Pirandello’s ‘Six characters in search of an author’ which is a bizarre, fabulous play that I’ve always wanted to see performed (well). Couldn’t resist joining the bandwagon of people who’ve played around with the concept… and while I’m not familiar with the names you mention, I looked them up and it’s a huge compliment! Now I need to work on my drawing to live up to the words 😉

    • So you’re telling me this is strip #1 in a series of 6? How exciting! & don’t we all need to work on drawings (or whatever) to live upto words…

      • Very very loosely speaking, inshallah. The “You know what” is part of what I’m looking at as Part 2! Because the fusion of imagination and reality does (occasionally) result in pleasant consequences, if the character and author are rightfully matched, as they have the good fortune to be sometimes :-p

  3. Now that thrills me superlatively, and is quite the compliment in itself, isn’t it. And it means I have to make words live up to drawings now, don’t I?! Oh, and another title came to mind: The Boy, The Bear, The Baron, The Bard by Gregory Rogers. No text, somewhat comically subversive but in a sweet and not smart-alec-y sort of way, and — it’s a strip. Indeed, Ammai is in good company!

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